
green iguana

green iguana

because my pet is a green iguana..( Q! Q. M+ x, J/ L( Q
so i post some basic knowledge bout my lovely pet for u all..+ I2 o2 `9 J- e  a2 m+ _8 i. b( m
and hope that more ppl can accept it la..& Z  B: D" t, p5 o
actually iguana is cute... than dog!!
( n* M) Y/ }0 l5 E

1 X; @/ ]: J% D0 A% n+ T9 S% U" X/ a% K# y8 _
Physical Appearance: Full-grown green iguanas are usually between four and six feet, although they have been known to grow' F0 }6 n, B% W( w, N' J3 D) n; Y
up to seven feet long. This includes the tail, however, which can make up about half the body length and, in addition to its green color, has black stripes. Green iguanas, not surprisingly, are green in color, but can be found in many different shade ranging from bright green, to a dull, grayish-green. Their skin is rough, with a set of pointy scales along the iguana's back. Green iguanas have long fingers and claws to help them climb and grasp. - R* [6 y$ x0 n: J$ |
0 x" T) c# V" P: k2 _它的尾巴是青色,还有黑色条纹。绿蜥蜴当然是绿色咯。但也有分浅青到深青啦!它的皮是粗的。还有鳞在它的身体。它们有长的手指,和爪。以便它们可以爬行。
. g5 i  g6 j6 Z% y6 g
7 e1 g% l" x/ [# N6 V5 @" \
9 ], C9 X* t% l+ x3 U
Adaptations: Besides the long fingers and claws mentioned above, green iguanas have many excellent interesting adaptations. Green iguanas have good senses of hearing and smell, and superb vision. Their long tail is also quite sharp, and is snapped in the air as a defense mechanism. The tail can also break off if caught by a predator, but grows back without permanant damage. Green iguana skin is very water resistant, and tough to avoid cuts and scratches. The coloring of the skin helps camoulflage the green iguana, which means that they blend in easily to their surroundings to remain undetected by predators. If they are etected however, and need to escape quickly, these iguanas can dive from trees into water, and swim well. Green iguanas are quite sturdy-- they can fall 40-50 feet to the ground without getting hurt! Male green iguanas have a special flap of skin called the dewlap. Male iguanas can raise their dewlap to appear bigger than they really are, either to intimidate predators, or to impressive females. Both male and female green iguanas can store fat under their jaws and in their necks for times when there is not much food available.
  B, h; j: U) J7 r除了有长的手指和爪,它们更有非常好的听觉,嗅觉,和视觉。它的尾巴有尖尖小小的刺,是他们的武器。但是它们很壁虎一样,尾巴容易断。可是会生回。它们的表皮是防水的,而且不容易受伤。绿色的它们让它们不容易被敌人发现。他们逃命也很快噢!还有,他们也是游泳健将呢!而且呀,就算从40-50尺跳下去,也不会伤噢!它们很茁壮。雄性绿蜥蜴有下垂的皮肉,让它们看起来更大。这是为了要吓敌人和吸引雌绿蜥蜴。它们可以储存食物在颈部。
& B0 ~9 A* x- q2 j6 {8 [4 z

' i1 T: _: @& c9 {. R: ]1 tHabitat: Iguanas live in tropical rainforest areas, generally in lower altitudes in areas near water sources, such as rivers or streams. They spend most of their time high in the forest canopy, about 40-50 feet above the ground. " ~4 N. q4 K3 i# E2 ~: ^" N) T- a

, S8 O& |( B0 F" a9 _7 K8 M* A7 K% D  {* u. ?3 V2 ?# _. g
Behaviour: Iguanas are diurnal, meaning that they are awake during the day. They are also cold-blooded, which means they do not produce their own body heat. In other words, if it is cold, the iguana is cold too. So to stay warm, green iguanas bask in the sun, lying on warm rocks as they soak up the sun's heat. , v- v; W& r& M  v- A: q6 M2 @
6 x7 }9 K# I' m
9 ]1 ~0 [* w3 Q# [% Z3 b

$ ]1 k1 k: z. w0 f9 {Reproductive Cycle and Family Habits: Green iguanas tend to live alone, but may be seen in groups occasionally in good sunny basking spots. Iguanas lay many eggs at a time (about 50), in holes inthe ground called burrows. They also dig pretend burrows to confuse any animals that may be looking for eggs to eat. After female iguanas lay the eggs, they leave them and do not return. When iguana babies hatch, they grow up without care from their parents. Green iguanas lay many eggs, but only 3-10 babies actually survive to be adults. It takes green iguana eggs about 8-10 weeks to hatch, then takes baby iguanas about 2 years to become mature adults. - j# V4 H" z* ^4 }  e- m

% _' G9 G  {! M% W1 Y% D& _% ~9 f
. i0 U0 h4 C( W5 s5 w+ a( q$ x& P5 {' ~& r, B
Diet: Green iguanas are omnivorous, so they eat both plants and meat. They tend to eat mostly plants, though, especially leaves and fruits. Sometimes green iguanas (especially young ones) will eat eggs, insects, and small vertebrates.
+ \5 l7 v, T4 @) i杂食动物。它们喜欢吃绿叶类的植物和水果。

  ~: K, w' n0 E+ W' t
5 l) _& y- L+ {  _! W; C8 \
/ x# t, {. V! F6 }私人TIPS
8 C8 ^& k; H' A8 i, S我建议给菜心它吃,因为有丰富的绿色素,长大后色泽才美。5 |* M+ S$ C+ B
要买钙粉,放在他的食物里,因为蔬菜没有CALSIUM。+ \* [% [# Z  a& z* p% O
不要喂他吃肉,不然以后会咬人。其实宠物店都有买它的食物,5 F4 E; P* q5 u& w) A& V
, s9 t) I' Y% P8 [* @$ v3 V要让他晒太阳。

; V4 s( D6 C5 ^" l3 m' s
. j9 B( s" S7 J& C' w以下送上7 J- J: K7 w6 G. F
  F" I+ i9 ^2 s3 n1 f

3 Z( p- E$ |5 u# [! z# Y
8 O9 u1 X- {5 n* Q8 z  B: ?2 Y& G3 p: i; W( M

  D: c  Y0 Y) M( a( YCOOL 吧?很少见到的。。因为平常它傻傻的。。。
; q6 n5 F0 f# U4 c1 T! ?: D+ ^
3 q: l% n" y1 ?6 E0 ?( t5 L! h1 e2 c% n/ ]8 ~: Q

7 u6 i/ j4 s/ u/ Q4 Y2 }% {
, W3 b3 ]0 ]8 x( w' U# h$ N( k; v哪。。平常的傻样  B2 V- n- ]5 C1 R1 s; h, P7 \
9 ]7 {6 }5 b" ?9 X  L! V+ R
[ 本帖最后由 iluvcraby 于 2006-5-27 02:36 AM 编辑 ]


* s4 z' A! x5 M. T9 w+ c原来全都是英文。。。 还那么长遍!( K5 G6 P6 D1 S; y' l, e

5 v! I) m% x* K% N/ D: w我也只读一半!。。。没耐心。。。不好意思。。。
! T2 ]; f7 X! B' s! n5 d$ K6 s
8 v+ }' o) {9 @! Z7 o4 P0 S  G8 J的确。。。我渐渐觉得iguana也很有个性!很可爱
! O( y% {4 ~. K; f9 Y6 Y5 ]
' j2 t* O) u) s4 [$ R7 E# Kwatermelon.....wakakaka7 ?/ e/ g+ N  K* [( O
i rmb!


长吗?- ^2 s1 ?, e3 {! S
4 M8 x/ ]% h: d$ y/ u& a) B& a) B我只是给喜欢IGUANA的人看的。。
+ V+ ^# \2 h  A; I1 X( R9 E$ j0 p真真喜欢IGUANA的人有耐心读的( e6 J& m0 e7 p( Q; {
知音人自然会读。。& K7 T( L1 K7 p; }# ]( k
6 L& u9 n) q! h) M本人的中文是有限公司。。多多包含。。
8 a' ~) k' D  [* |' |: v, q& v  J% V( t, C- o0 j3 Y, @
[ 本帖最后由 iluvcraby 于 2006-5-27 02:11 AM 编辑 ]

