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I'm a witch, without a broom, i flew down and sign my name. ∂∂


dota sienz la..long time din ply zor~
# `# l0 b) D( |+ R" P+ ^# Dbut as u ply wif ur frens 2gether..d feeling so great~


6.33 specter, is a very unbalance hero.
, G. ?' v2 x% |0 w( h8 dif someone use it, have to change it as a repick.. X  F( m. @% R, [: ]- F) _

) N5 z9 g2 r5 J4 C. k4 C' hthis hero ultimate ability could attack others hero,
1 d" y7 c  T! Zused a illusion for each heros,
0 s- K: m9 V. Y4 U5 H5 d) @& }damage, following, until you kiledl this illusion.& [8 W) Y4 W+ z8 ?* s3 |7 _$ |. u. U
1 e* i/ [* ^  c. ^
another ability is created a shadow passageway to catch up a run away hero.3 |% E6 x: u$ w
whatever have trees or other blocking.
$ c4 R. o5 y$ }% j4 _( u9 i) y
% b; C- t4 C* a  |% k$ X+ x& {$ Din conclusion,& i# E; D7 v2 |. U. q
it is an super,mega,crazy, powerful hero which could defeat 5 hero.
: f6 E2 t$ E3 _8 m. A- }- z" D' s6 t: s' Y) R8 \) I
[ 本帖最后由 byyoong 于 2006-6-9 05:02 AM 编辑 ]


hu will repick if he tk tis hero???& n  h# w* i2 V, f  x1 f' l
i think nobody wil do tt..


原帖由 雨树 于 2006-6-9 03:32 PM 发表# E0 H( a# m* X: h
hu will repick if he tk tis hero???. W1 G. P) V$ V* M" x* O4 Z  A2 }
i think nobody wil do tt..
2 [: R- L% Z2 m3 ^
; Z  _$ P2 Q8 |" Pif got the situation as you said,
* J8 m: q8 ]' dthan the game master (host) will kick he/she off the game,, _. j1 a. g3 ~! ]
very easy.


Hi there, thay call the sniper kia cuz i will 90% choose sniper in DotA...; m( e. X- o" [% k
From now I kill countless hero with Ulti, and also killed by countless haro T-T
9 K* m( F/ @5 n# `7 g9 V! `I m still consider a noob, so don be4 serious on me... cuz i only noe shiper...
. V0 W* `( P1 P$ ]' N0 k2 `By the way, I tried register the damn blueserver many times but failed...2 C  D* y, |( V3 U7 Y, [- x' d
It said that "Register had been disabled", what the hell with that!?: t8 ]4 K. N" o
I even tried it on Sunday but it still the same...& y/ T. B8 r' [
Seriously, WTF!?!?!?


Erm, Where did u Register ?
I'm a witch, without a broom, i flew down and sign my name. ∂∂


now play back dota liao/ c0 t  E7 J  R7 ]$ X) Q
bcz my outdate fren play new version liao8 M, i$ M5 V; ]# T3 ~/ m
competition no more 5.84c..yeah!!!!




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