

) A0 X  U. z) d9 @* R; R+ r+ R8 V还有两个忘了..( K# {  k- Q' ^$ G" X9 |

" L" G& t1 ?+ h" ~+ X( U还是喜欢Doom跟冰女

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原帖由 kaitokid 于 2006-4-6 09:56 PM 发表
# q$ E: N9 o8 g- ierm...我不在m'sia...so i dont really knw...those competitions are small one...not for whole country...so u must be dnt knw....
0 b- h& m( ?3 u3 W" \
: {+ q' i. P, T" ~; f5 t5 z) ~) B多数是usa==) W2 r8 G% ^$ h% J


听到dota这4个words,就很sien了~* D8 l8 e. y3 A9 A$ p+ W% D+ `3 v
Godlike到sien....1 d- Q) F# p& y5 S4 ^
也noob到很sien.../ a2 f/ m6 W, a" Q& i
5 `1 D$ X/ y) F# [  V) V
584本来就是一个超级、一等的~                                           的version!
# O, r2 v- x  ]8 h- m) Z* l; {; Q$ ^) l# N
$ z/ {! g/ G( t# @
) g0 ~- M- s$ X! k/ F% [
- g3 X* }+ W; \3 Y: c

# I7 p5 S* I: \) f- @$ K一点乐趣都没有,拿到固定的hero,就知道会有什么结果了~


原帖由 泽特拉 于 2006-4-11 09:59 PM 发表' W; F8 l0 f& C; O$ o
2 X8 S+ ]! q" ?! j- ?* F  z" v0 K% }Godlike到sien....
& ?$ |; C+ y) C也noob到很sien...
- W% o$ ~) m- C7 d' k6 n' \7 J' }9 B
  t; J& \, p9 A4 }$ {584本来就是一个超级、一等的~                                           差的version!! F* ~" b) c* y' D" H
; M# w6 Q  I5 M5 S0 Y* q/ b1 }

, h4 m$ F7 P$ l% g" h( @" V9 e
0 f/ j9 \2 [5 F: u
% z7 X8 k$ I0 ?' ]" u
: M- G" g4 K, D6 t3 ~9 n1 x% T一点乐趣都没有,拿到固定的he ...
4 d# a, a* k* d; Y% w/ d" `$ n
- Q" b; D' u6 W" r/ B, q+ y; S6 _" N1 x
' ~; A# [( Q+ I1 Q+ Rhaha....agreed!!!5.84 not nice one.....
3 M' ~3 k2 k- G' R, Jbut dota not sien la......must be u always ply with noob....poor little guyz.....( O" V: y4 f1 Y* S" o5 J+ B3 T, i
ply with me mayb u will die until sien also......
: z+ }0 r- L( s3 v) Iso u better dnt ply dota anymore.....wat also sien...


lol..dota nice lar..
2 |* |- H# h7 m  Q v6.30 got 3 heroes..
% {# }0 V, q* w+ o! K! _twin head dragon,obsedian destroyer,n beast master!!!
4 I% K1 I) l5 \. |5 q9 Pall ncie expect the destroyer...his skill so WAI..!!!


yep, because hes first skill n hes third skill....
: d. }$ O" R7 k# Y# W& d9 G2 Nreally OMG!
1 `& f7 D. D( [if mana got 3k above, use 1 times the first skill, then it seems like a divine lol~, z# E. `" `4 C' P
+ P8 L. J. m1 @/ h! K+ ?
2nd skill and ult, very good combination at start...0 [6 L2 C* I  ?2 T# R9 f; w1 Y  G
useful agains rikimaru, razor, naix and others low int heroes...


dota just a game, b) [/ ?3 D% r9 m& P
and same with other game,
4 b0 |  x4 B) c2 Eeither you control and win it or you lose7 I0 }9 u( E1 X9 K$ r
to me i just wish to noe the usage of all heroes
+ v, _+ g. N; C  d# {- e5 Phope to be a good player


原帖由 泽特拉 于 2006-4-11 09:59 PM 发表) R, l$ j7 w  q; I0 I
听到dota这4个words,就很sien了~# B9 }. @  v: D/ A
Godlike到sien....4 [9 B5 a- b2 t; e3 j8 S/ u
0 b' T8 M8 G$ S, J9 @& T/ H/ j& b) ~- {5 \% Y; t  c
584本来就是一个超级、一等的~                                           差的version!1 }' M; h( E) }" g% }# B* s: l

/ F; Q9 g8 K. G$ F1 ?  m  d9 L3 q' ^; B- R4 K/ S  }# H
4 c$ \' X& \2 h( G/ A6 [
2 x- h- }0 w$ r: I/ s

, q% B/ t: }/ R6 U0 {+ |一点乐趣都没有,拿到固定的he ...
" \- k* H5 u$ ?8 z2 G  E  U
i dunno how to play 6.xx version, i feel 5.84c not a perfect version but still got the point i willing to play.
1 h4 g# Y2 _4 s- A+ A# nas u said wat hero taken then noe the result i can say tats juz ur justification, if u feel which hero combine wif which hero sure win, then tat means u play wif fren using those specific hero sure win? tat means ur team opponent damn noob oni, tats all i wanna say, blue server is juz for training personal skill, be a totally pro better go cc to train, go subang jaya/sg long/setapak then u noe wat is pro(team)


原帖由 lengzaimike 于 2006-4-24 10:24 PM 发表3 v+ f  q8 @/ h9 E7 |5 D9 H

0 ~6 }8 D% f: h, j/ Ji dunno how to play 6.xx version, i feel 5.84c not a perfect version but still got the point i willing to play.& K) K" w& D0 }) V% P; d$ p
as u said wat hero taken then noe the result i can say tats juz ur justification,  ...
  H8 f: Z1 Z2 }8 s% q
all 5.84c
% \( X+ P' }# {( Gplay wf them 4 wat?


juz play for fun loh... if not?


u say like play for sure which side is noob


原帖由 misterhai 于 2006-4-30 03:12 PM 发表
3 s$ j9 E" ]- Xu say like play for sure which side is noob
' t# C* c: a: V8 @- m
noob arr... a lot, including myself. me ver6 totally noob, n then sumtimes 5.84 oso act like noob. din say got which side is noob la, juz the pro will stay around which area play oni/


DoTA boring la... Control one hero only...
0 p8 @+ P. B2 ]7 S7 V6 S) v8 e$ l  S, RPlay normal battle lagi excited...+ H  R& n5 z! J  t% d+ H
Player vs Player... very gan jiong de...5 C4 D+ K6 j# `. Z
That's what we called a real warcraft player...6 x" u$ E" m- e5 H& [4 U
Control one hero where got fun de.. Learn nothing of warcraft oso de... Only know ks...6 e, d4 l/ @8 z+ p8 Z, u7 v  e- k

6 C- t( W$ ~; {% y1 ^If you like DoTA, maybe you will like X-Hero...
/ i1 ~& d* U$ k) p1 BVampire Defense also not bad... but very hard to play...


原帖由 reckitt 于 2006-5-13 05:07 AM 发表
+ @$ d1 w; Q8 D" aDoTA boring la... Control one hero only..., |" \. c  u3 ^7 I
Play normal battle lagi excited...
& M# @' F5 r, j; [6 N) ]) KPlayer vs Player... very gan jiong de...+ ~9 e$ o7 Y/ ^# @: T4 ?! p
That's what we called a real warcraft player.../ ^" w) l3 D, t! c: f
Control one hero where got ...
1 u. H; O$ h( i7 A' Z0 Ri can say u oso sot sot dei...
8 o/ z) S. a' [1 T) {ladder game n dota is different kinda game, but the mirco is damn important.
. {& S  F0 ^; p# M- B8 K  \if u strong in micro tat means u still able play well in dota, plus teamwork.
; [$ H1 Q* }" ~2 J/ Q6 O( f$ hif u juz play ladder solo game, u hav to train up ur teamwork skill.
& \$ @- Q. u2 B5 |if u noob in controlling, i juz can say better go play mmorpg games., d" ^' s0 k1 A# r4 g8 u9 u& X" g$ C
and i tell u, me last time roc quite ok, but tft noob., }- d/ W! ?9 k! d* [; o
dun try to justified my micro skill.


i play warcraft 2 since it come out la...
! z3 Y7 ]$ ^, r4 K1 r# bthen starcraft then warcraft 3....+ d$ G( O4 Q7 N8 M6 S% N. c) ^. z
0 N# b/ Y1 v, X3 j
strategy normal battle i play dao unlimit times lo.../ E% J$ c" Y" C- k& ~1 T
ya... you are right... teamwork very important... that's why i love normal battle.... the teamwork between different people make every match a different story... so much fun...
( V/ }, o8 [4 D
/ l5 z4 e( p0 V+ \0 s4 ji not very like mmorpg... so damn boring.... only ffxi and wow is acceptable for me....


Dota is nice for me , and now the version update to v6.33 , if any 1 still playing 5.84 , update abit~!    % `, {, S% }# c$ |; N
+ C; X8 F0 K2 b) U( W& a9 p' {4 P
5.84c= so many bug=x  }: M0 u; _" K/ J

( q! b& b1 }1 v0 b6 K( D6.32+ = few bug
I'm a witch, without a broom, i flew down and sign my name. ∂∂


. ~# R- f6 ?! d: M我玩dota可以打华语的~~~
" S, L. [' K9 V0 p+ K8 ^来啊来啊~~我是 dota 达人 ~


hehe... BLueserver Find me~ Thinguy < hoho
I'm a witch, without a broom, i flew down and sign my name. ∂∂




对啊。。。0 h5 G! {- P$ [0 o
i am pro

