


Just for the sake to be the 1st poster here...!!; z# ~# u- S: \- W/ r3 o

6 s7 E* Z0 L. jerm...9 b4 F; l. R9 l+ o, E
1 m: r' r' K4 K6 t/ F! Z8 Y: A% T
anyone knows where edam cheese is from??
& ?% O6 f$ F  j$ ~1 O1 V' i8 j9 w
it's from netherlands....from a place called Edam-Volendam...2 w& W2 A/ `2 z- h
2 a" K( X# n' i0 a8 k' a
what bout mozzarella cheese??
; k- @9 x0 k% ^4 n' F; s  i8 ^0 d3 N4 T
italian....it's from italian....lol+ F# b) W: G' d% b
7 g! S. @0 ?1 [; ~4 ?1 q
- V, G! a/ X3 _* W

" J: U* n4 n, D
8 x; x/ v7 c" f- I
( }5 I  G3 `' z  B( i* m* Ghmm...i'm wondering if this post will be deleted or not...0 f  W' ~8 b  v) V' ^

+ i( S1 G3 k: ^hopefully wont....shouldnt be...rite??; O9 x6 E1 Y+ {! b
% D8 [# ~" |$ A* z
it's related to applied microbiology....so.....hehe....

