
ragnarok battle offline

ragnarok battle offline

有谁懂哪里可以直接免费下载ragnarok battle offline 吗?, c, [! t+ W. r8 d3 D2 j1 e
我还记得我们的约定     我比以前还更爱你了
连那风都笑我了     我想他会告诉你的     我更爱你了


# y& J; V8 q; {. H" @& M( d; m7 r之前有朋友在日本的网站下载,
9 g7 w4 o8 a4 f3 S9 [" b1 C很不错。
6 \1 L0 @+ f% o8 w  I$ H7 k2 b& ~8 ?$ m# Y- e/ x) E, R- K% T
4 V2 ?' z$ M# _* i& j" x有新的隐藏地图,2 }1 F9 K" @: J) `& d8 l" p
8 K0 z# B4 Q8 f+ ~) }: r1 @. x' V; s/ ?5 [1 |+ T+ q3 \


( s  q) v, R% p, M7 ]1 c6 v
( _+ H' |" k5 R: w[IMG]http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/9526/rbo01iw3.th.jpg[/IMG]
1 g4 p6 g" c; D. a0 r' _+ F' |
& b* N) D: u* c; D5 U6 V- H" ?( BEnglish Config EXE + I- F) L+ Q/ r* U8 }! m
http://rboffline.sitesled.com/downloads/19..._update0204.rar If it doesnt work try right-click
/ A, Q. d7 s6 _/ {Save File As 6 Z1 u1 A0 i' n" T" f' C

+ \% r2 m9 p8 s[IMG]http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/9355/rboconfigenglishsg0.th.jpg[/IMG]) v( r# b. i- C

* U+ m1 U* V9 a' G4 RRBO Full Game
6 r8 V& s6 V6 U( M! c6 a& M' EServer 1
& b* p$ _2 @0 |http://ragnarokbattle.com/forum/index.php?...wnload&id=8&l=1 if dont work try right-click, save file as
" o* E2 y3 ~# S5 lServer 2   x4 `2 L/ L( y  e$ J) a- P% _" v
http://mandgweb.com/rbo/RBO-Installer.exe *Offline*
; g$ D* ^  E* U7 b: _ : E5 P, p% s+ [9 [+ C" @" d+ K6 D/ E
[IMG]http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/9371/rbosetupstartbr4.th.jpg[/IMG]( }) T5 T$ x) {% e( |; U; a9 V
5 n# |& k+ e3 }% `3 _; y1 h* ^/ Q
RBO....screensaver... ) `, N7 f  }! S) A8 |
http://d38.yousendit.com/E/1CV8A8SFG8FFD2A...PC9W/RBOSS2.exe / w/ [, I8 n9 h7 @
um.....RBO Original Soundtrack-Adventurer's Inn(About 35 songs)...wtf...
& H" J7 E7 P- F0 Q; Q0 X5 ehttp://www.deadfrog.info/index.php?action=...try&entryid=780
' a8 A, a5 G4 A+ J8 Z
  _/ M! \+ x! Y; k6 d* t1 lBGM Files " b# G7 Z" p. v+ z$ x
- d" Q# k7 Y4 l, t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 Q% t2 v. h( v: D6 c; q. mF.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions) * \2 [5 t  l4 C$ s' L/ X
Usualy If you aske these questions, Mods will usually say "Use the seach button and read the board guide lines" But instead i put them here for your own convineince % Q. N7 d7 h. `4 Y

" i6 ~1 {. J9 G" l7 A8 L# o" lHow many Stages are there? 9 z5 e7 N" C* h8 x- o/ R
0 V9 e+ p3 l* E+ y. W+ N7 Q+ F ! U  F9 ^6 v" G1 e- ]' v: r+ v0 f. A
What's the Maximum Level?
3 @, w. l7 W9 \' p, `3 M3 T  H: g20
7 ~& |3 B) [, k1 x1 ?. o
/ j3 |0 N/ F$ U0 s) t, `% U5 ^How I change to 2nd Job Class?$ {; L, }, \8 ?5 Y9 p8 F
You Can't sorry :x$ B3 M0 c* l4 d! u& S$ k
0 F  o7 U2 s: r- |# S2 w' o
The Game shuts down after i try to run it waaa
0 w  ~' p0 i6 g' I- eTry to change compatbilty to 2000 Window(right click and Properties)% I4 k- U% @( V+ \6 v! K% n
7 v0 p+ ?. Z% ]
Do i still need to Patch this after i download?
( z/ s  l  k) R8 C5 |) S( Q1 `' j
- r* x: ~8 o. v0 b
9 D8 A' _' H  r( eHow do I play Online?
. u- f( S/ r/ i8 UYou can't sorry :X




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