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Small appliances, electric fans, electric hair cut, straight hair, car refrig GH

Business Type: Trading Company Number of Employees: confidential client Industry: Apparel & Accessories, chemical, electrical and electronic, furniture, furnishings, lighting, services, textiles and registered as a Member Year: 2007 Last Login Date: 2007-04-20 Contact Information Company Name Shunde, China Import and Export Company Address Seta London Rong-Yang Lane, Shunde, Foshan City, Guangdong Province Country / Region China Zip Code Phone Number Fax phone company's Web site Contact Person (Department) David Mr. Disclaimer: Made in China Network will make every effort to check information published by companies, but China's manufacturing network for the authenticity and accuracy of the above-mentioned information without any guarantee. The resulting disputes and losses, China's manufacturing network is not bear any responsibility===== ghd straighteners ===== Quick Links: Buyers Guide: Search China products and their suppliers, publish to your needs information, hot products China Suppliers Guide: Add your company and product information, Search Buyers, Promotion - Fair Taiwan, it is recommended to use a global supplier of products
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" H0 g; m5 T& d& w Company is a state-owned import and export companies, their own place of business 20,000 square meters===== ghd ===== equipped with storage and loading platform===== ghd straighteners ===== Specializes in import and export business for trade and all kinds of businesses and individuals to provide import and export agency services===== ghd hair straighteners =====
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